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Safety Begins Here

B&B places high value on job site safety and the safety of our personnel. We are dedicated to ensuring that our job sites are safe and that all personnel are safety conscious. Our project and field management conduct regular safety inspections on all job sites to ensure cleanliness as well as freedom from unsafe situations, accidents, falls, and fire potentials. B&B always strives to exceed required OSHA 1926 Health and Safety CRF.1926 Standards of Construction Guidelines. Weekly meetings are held for all B&B personnel to discuss potential problems, new and/or changing OSHA regulations, new B&B requirements, and to promote safety awareness.


B&B Electric’s Apprenticeship Training Program is a 4-year program that is conducted through the Central Virginia Electrical Contractor’s Association and is approved and accepted by the Virginia State Board of Contractors. Our Apprenticeship Training Program works in partnership with nationally recognized Mike Holt Enterprises: an industry leader providing powerful training solutions for electrical contractors, individuals and training programs across the United States. Our participation with Mike Holt allows an apprentice attending a program utilizing Mike Holt Enterprises instructional materials outside of our area in Virginia, as well as out of state.

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